Saturday, January 28, 2012

Do you believe everything you read?

     I'm not talking about what the politicians have to say - that could be dangerous to your health!
     I'm wondering if you've ever read the doctor's column in your local newspaper?  Someone writes in and asks a question, and the doc comes up with an answer - sight unseen, one size fits all, and using out-dated theories.  For instance, the answer to, "should I take vitamins?" was answered with,  "No, you can get all your vitamins and minerals from your diet."  What diet does he refer to?  Is the person who's asking an organic and sustainable farmer, eating fresh food from enriched soil, or is the inquirer a thrifty shopper looking for the cheapest food, no matter how it's raised or from how far it's come.
     Take the mineral magnesium (and you should take it) - back in the olden days when soil actually contained minerals, and water was from wells and not softened, yes you could get  enough magnesium in your food and water.  But these days, industrial farming has depleted the soil, causing deficiencies in the modern diet - leading to - according to research - heart disease, cholesterol and triglyceride abnormalities, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, muscle cramps, depression, anxiety, and many many more.
     Here's something else you might read, or hear on TV: "take calcium for your bones."   Without magnesium, this can be dangerous.  The two work together and must be present in the body together, or the excess calcium can collect in cells other than bones: heart, arteries of the brain, breathing passages of the lungs, and on and on - all in soft tissue where calcium doesn't belong.  
     If there is magnesium present, calcium cannot enter and cause problems.  A simple solution, and perfect synergy!
     Since it's not possible to get enough magnesium in your diet, it would be wise to take a supplement of 300 - 600 mg. in the evenings.
     As always, I recommend you do your own research; for starters you can check out Dr. Michael Eades' article:

To your health!

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