Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lubed from the Inside Out

What fuel do you burn to heat your house?  What ever it is, I'll bet it's getting pretty dry inside.  And that can cause some problems ... plants wither, noses dry up, skin turns alligator-like.  You can use various methods to hydrate the air in your house - humidifiers, pots of water on the stove ... I know someone who throws wet towels on her heated cement floor!
For the thirsty parts of you that sufferfrom nose to toes, here are some suggestions:
Use a Sinus Rinse or Netty Pot daily. 
Apply chap-stick with beeswax in it.
Use coconut oil on wet skin after showering, or take a bath and put in a couple big spoonfuls of coconut oil.
Rub your feet with foot lotion (Aveda has a good one) before putting on your socks.
And what about those poor hands?  We're told to wash them a lot to prevent picking up germs - good idea.  But they get so dry and rough and raw and cracked!  What to do?  Winter has only just begun!  You can apply hand lotion (not Vaseline) and wear gloves all the time but how practical is that?  Or just wear the gloves to bed.

Here's a question: when you take your car to be lubed, where does the mechanic put the grease?  I'm guessing not on the surface of the car, but into the places that need it.  So what might happen if you could lubricate your body from the inside?
Two things you can do that have been tried with great results: 
Take a big spoonful of Cod Liver Oil (Carlson's lemon flavored is a good one), and the Homeopathic medicine Petroleum.  Yech, you say, why would I eat petroleum?  As you may know, homeopathy uses minuscule amounts of a given substance which your body reacts to.  That reaction results in healing.  It works amazingly well!   
check it out:

Happy winter!


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