Thursday, March 22, 2012

With record breaking temperatures here in the North CountryIt seems as though Spring has arrived.  It probably won't last, and even if Winter shows up again, Summer is certainly around the corner.  As it approaches and the thoughts of outdoor activities make us smile, we need to think seriously about our fitness.  Are there a few extra pounds and some stiff muscles hanging around?  Now is the time to recall that good feeling of eating right and exercising!

Here is an article from Dr. Mercola - it's worth a read - we can always use this kind of  information to help us make good decisions.

Check it out, and consider making some changes; as a result I believe you'll get utmost enjoyment out of the coming sunny seasons.

to you health,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

All Kinds Of Weather

March is certainly an interesting month - never a dull weather report ... add to that our sun's ramped up activity.  Solar flares galore!  And, have you seen the stars when we have clear night skies? - Mars in the southeast, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter lined up in the western evening sky; how about that full moon on Thursday with Mars rising along with it - wow!

This is a great site for following Sun spots and flares.  You can even get alerts for when the Auroras are happening.  It looks like we might soon have clear night skies, so fix your eyes on the the northern heavens - it could be glorious!  Check this out:

Here's an excellent weather blog from Indian Lake, suitable for barometer-tapping, weather-nuts like me (and you?)

Enjoy the ever-changing season!